New Year, New Me, New Project!

For most of us, including myself, 2020 was a year that we'd all like to forget. It was transformative for me in many ways. I lost my mom, encountered unprecedented challenges at work and was, in many ways, cut off from my family due to social distancing and other factors (read that as a grueling work and travel schedule). There was definitely triumph amid the chaos however. In late 2020, I began taking photos on a regular basis again. And while I didn't realize it then, it really has become a sort of cathartic ritual that truly has helped the grief process. I really began to dabble in post-production more that I ever had in the past. Learning that post-production could really take my photos to new heights has definitely inspired me to be more deliberate as I shoot. I've begun to think more about what I want the end result to look like and really think about how to execute my vision.

Fast forward to 2021 and I began shooting more than I ever had. Ever. In July, I filed LLC paperwork and now am officially the "Soaring Phoenix" of Soaring Phoenix Photography, LLC. I've also begun to move my focus from just the landscape and cityscapes that I'm sure all of my followers love and know and have started to shift to portraiture both outdoors and in "studio." As I look to grow my brand, business, and skill I came up with an idea for 2022. "A Pic A Day." The plan isn't revolutionary but ultimately will be beneficial to me as an artist and hopefully enjoyable for those of you who have been so supportive of my work over the past 18 months.

The goal of "A Pic A Day 2022" is to push me as an artist. The plan is to shoot, edit, and post a single image representing the mood of that particular day in 2022. The project seeks to challenge me to find new perspectives, new subjects, and style while honing technical skill both in the actual capture process as well as in post-production. The images will be posted to my social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram with the hashtag #apicaday3652022. Additionally, I have created an art gallery on Pic-Time where these art pieces will be available for purchase. My goal at the end of the year is to create a retrospective album that will review the year 2022 in all of its glory; to tell its story both good and bad, happy and sad. I hope you will follow my journey. I think it will be awesome. I thank everyone who has supported me so far in my journey as the "Soaring Phoenix." Now if you'll excuse me...I've got to go take a pic for today.

-The Soaring Phoenix