Life On Lake Erie

Life has a way of bringing everything full circle. I recently reconnected with a really cool guy I went to high school with. We've re-connected through our love of art -- painting with the camera lens. Both out of devastating loss and both channeling that loss into what I can only call some incredible displays of artistry (clearly I'm talking about him and NOT me). I will admit though that sometimes my own ability to capture a scene with my trusty Sony A6000 and A7III surprises me too. I'm a true native Clevelander who loves his hometown and DEFINITELY loves Lake Erie. Aside from its calming presence, it almost always sets the perfect scene for an amazing photograph. I follow enough amazing #CLE photographers that I can say this is not an opinion -- it's 100% facts.

So my fellow GA alum, Doug (Instagram | Website | Prints) tells me about a photo contest that's sponsored by the Ohio Lake Erie Commission and they've been doing it for 30 years. (Mind you I've never heard of this organization or it's photo contest). Me being me, and him being him, we both entered the maximum allowed 5 entries: Hope On The Eventide, Lighting The Way, Edgewater Sunset, Perkins Sunrise, and Headlands Boardwalk (blog entry cover photo). I was absolutely delighted when I got the email saying that one of my photos was selected as a winning photo. Of course I reached out to Doug and guess what!? He won too. I was super excited for both of us and anxiously counted the days down to the presentation of the winning photos.

Hope On The Eventide

Lighting The Way

Edgewater Sunset

Perkins Sunrise

A day before the presentation ceremony, I posted a series of IG stories and asked my followers which one of my photos was the winning photo. Everyone who voted selected either "Perkins Sunrise" or "Hope On The Eventide." My personal favorite is "Hope On The Eventide" given the deep personal connection I have to the photo but I was CERTAIN that Perkins Sunrise was the winning photo. I can't believe I'm typing this. We were wrong AND we were right. How's that possible? It's possible because I didn't have just ONE winning photo, I had TWO. Narrowed down from a field of 151 submissions to just TEN, I had two winning photos. Doug had one ("Lighthouse Wave"). This means that "The Soaring Phoenix" stacked up 20% of the top ten and the GA alums combined for a cool 30%. The two winning photos? You/We guessed it! "Hope On The Eventide" and "Perkins Sunrise."

In addition to what my parents called "the satisfaction of winning" while I was growing up, my photos will be displayed at the Riffe Gallery in Columbus, Ohio (more details to follow on that one) and they will also be used in promotional materials for the state and on the OLEC website. I even got a cool "Ohio" swag bag with lots of cool Ohio branded stuff AND I'm Ohio official with a certificate from the Governor and Lt. Governor. I couldn't be happier not only with the fact that I finally won something but that I was able to do it alongside a good friend.

Oh, and also check out this little blurb from Uncle Mike:

“Congratulations to the 2022 Life on Lake Erie photo contest winners,” said Governor Mike DeWine. “The Life on Lake Erie photo contest has brought out the skills of amateur photographers who captured the many reasons why residents and visitors come to enjoy Ohio’s great lake.”

I could go on and on y'all. Just #satisfied and #elated #GIG

Thanks always for the love and support.

--The Soaring Phoenix