Where Are You Christmas?...

So my birthday fell on the same day it does every year -- two days before Christmas; the day that we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. I can honestly say that my birthday didn't feel much like a birthday. I got exactly what I asked for this year - Apple gift cards so I can upgrade my gear and little fanfare. No fancy restaurant, no party, no birthday cake. Even though she's been gone for 625 days, my mom's loss still shapes my day-to-day in very concrete ways from the daily phone calls to and from work that will never happen to keeping up with my dad's well-being. I think very much so that that loss is still clouding the joy that I used to feel for this holiday.

Why Can't I Find You?...

It may not feel like the Christmas of year past. No making cookies and opening presents on Christmas Eve. New traditions will come in time but this year, I want thank everyone who has supported Soaring Phoenix and the journey that I have been on these past 625 days. Eventually I will find Christmas and I hope we will all find Christmas in a better, more happy place once we have gotten a handle on the COVID-19 Pandemic. I pray that all of you have a prosperous, happy, and fruitful new year filled with new adventures, new connections, and sustained growth.

With Love,

Kevin Dudley A.K.A. The Soaring Phoenix